This eBay launch guide will walk you through setting up the eBay marketplace in your Solid Commerce account. When you’re done, you’ll be ready to publish new listings.
While it is possible to connect to eBay on your own, we recommend consulting with your Implementation Manager beforehand to ensure a successful connection. You can perform all of the steps in this document before connecting to eBay.
What we'll cover:
- STEP 1: Creating an eBay Listing Rule
- STEP 2: Creating an eBay Listing Template
- STEP 3: Adding Item Specifics to Listings
- STEP 4: Additional Options
- STEP 5: Listing to eBay
- Additional Options
- Adding Product Descriptions & ebay Template to Your Listings
- Creating Variation-Style Listings
- eBay Motors: Adding Fitment Data to Your Items
- Creating Listing Rules to Schedule eBay Auctions
- eBay's Out of Stock Control
- Controlling the Quantities on Listings
STEP 1: Creating an eBay Listing Rule
eBay Listing Rules specify when listings should launch, when they should close, and how they should be priced.
TASK 1: Create a basic eBay Listing Rule to use when importing live listings and launching simple Fixed Price listings. (approx. 10 mins)
Article: Creating an eBay Listing Rule
STEP 2: Creating an eBay Listing Template
Listing Templates allow you to save your eBay settings so you can easily apply the information to items in bulk. This speeds up your listing process, and decreases the amount of information you need to provide to create listings.
TASK 2: Create one eBay Listing Template to apply when listing your first sample items. (approx. 15 mins)
Article: Creating an eBay Listing Template
Supporting articles about each section of the template:
STEP 3: Adding Item Specifics to Listings
eBay recommends that you include item specifics on your listings to place higher in search results. To add item specifics to your listings, all you need to do is populate stock fields in Solid Commerce and/or attributes you created yourself.
TASK 3: Set up the Pre-Fill Details of your eBay Listing Template. Create related Product Attributes if necessary. (approx. 10 mins)
Article: Adding Item Specifics to Listings Using Pre-Fill Settings or the Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)
Supporting article: Creating and Using Product Attributes
STEP 4: Additional Options
If you want to use any of the optional features described in the Additional Options section below, you would set them up as Step 4.
STEP 5: Listing to eBay
This step teaches you how to list products to eBay in bulk through a spreadsheet. It is the last step in the eBay launch process. After populating your spreadsheet, please check in with your Implementation Manager. They will review your work and help you connect to eBay. If you want to list to eBay through our user interface, they can review your options with you.
TASK 4: Add 10 sample items to your Excel template. (approx. 20 mins)
OPTIONAL TASK: If you list variations, also add one family of products. (approx. 10 mins)
Article: Listing a Product to eBay Using a Spreadsheet
Additional Options
The following tasks are optional.
Adding Product Descriptions & eBay Templates to Your Listings
You can automatically add your product descriptions and additional information to listings. Even customized eBay templates can be automated.
TASK 5: Add an HTML tag for the product description, or add an eBay template, to your Solid Commerce eBay Listing Template. (approx. 5 mins)
Article: Adding eBay Descriptions to Your Listings and Automatically Populating eBay Templates
Creating Variation-Style Listings
Saving templates in your account makes creating variation-style listings easy.
TASK 6: Create one eBay Variation Group. (approx. 10 mins)
eBay Motors: Adding Fitment Data to Your Items
Working closely with some of our motor clients, we developed tools to streamline the process of adding fitment information to listings. One option is to create Fitment Groups, which are templates that allow you to automatically apply a range of compatibilities to your items. Fitment Groups are helpful when you sell batches of parts that share the same exact fitment data. If your items have unique compatibilities, you can add fitment information to each item individually through our user interface or through Excel.
Creating Listing Rules to Schedule eBay Auctions
If you want to repeatedly launch auctions according to a schedule, you can create listing rules with advanced scheduling options.
TASK 7: Create one eBay Listing Rule with a schedule. (approx. 10 mins)
Article: Creating an eBay Listing Rule to Schedule Auctions
eBay's Out of Stock Control
The ability to keep listings open even when you run out of inventory is one of the more popular features offered by eBay.
Article: Using eBay's Out of Stock Control Feature
Controlling the Quantities on Listings
We offer several options for controlling the quantities on listings.
Many of our clients find it useful to hide their real inventory levels from eBay for two reasons:
- eBay displays quantities to buyers. By pushing a reduced quantity to eBay, you can create a sense of urgency in potential buyers.
- eBay imposes "gross merchandise volume" limits on sellers. By pushing a reduced quantity to eBay, you are able to list more items before hitting your volume limit.
OPTIONAL TASK: Hide the inventory level on one of your eBay listings by using a listing quantity expression. (approx. 5 mins)
Article: Listing Quantity Expression field in User Interface and Bulk Changes
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