In order to import live listings from eBay, or launch new listings, you need to create an eBay Listing Rule. eBay Listing Rules specify:
- When listings should launch
- When they should close
- How they should be priced
The eBay Listing Rule also offers some advanced options, such as automatically launching new listings, and matching your prices from other marketplaces.
For information regarding listing auctions on a schedule, please see our related article Creating an eBay Listing Rule to Schedule Auctions.
What We'll Cover:
- How to Create an eBay Listing Rule
- Basic Listing Rule Settings
- Stop Listing Rules Section
- The "List on the Following Events" Section
- The "Listing Re-Pricing Rules" Section
- Related Articles
How to Create an eBay Listing Rule
1) Go to the Marketplaces menu -> eBay Listing Rules.
2) Click the Add eBay Rule button, in the upper left corner of the page.
3) In the text box next to eBay Auto Listing Rules Name, enter a name for your eBay Listing Rule, such as "eBay Basic". You will refer to this rule name when you create listings.
4) Click the Save Automation Rules button.
Basic Listing Rule Settings
Use the following settings to quickly create a basic rule for importing live listings, creating fixed-price listings, or launching simple auction-style listings. Please review the rest of the article for a full explanation of each option.
- Item Listing Timing section: Leave the first option selected (Each start time, list all products in list at once).
- Stop Listing Rules section: Check the box next to Close listing when inventory is below and enter a 1 in the field. This option causes your listings to close when your inventory is below 1.
Do not select this option if you are using the Out of Stock Control feature. For more information about Out of Stock Control, see Using eBay's Out of Stock Control Feature.
- List on the Following Events section:
- Below the List on the following auction events sub-section, select Do not relist on auction events.
- If you want out of stock items to re-list automatically when you receive more inventory, select the Start listing when inventory is above option and set it to 0 pieces.
When you add items to Solid Commerce, to list them the first time, you must select them in their eBay Market List and click the List products now button. After your initial listing closes, the Start listing when inventory is above option will automatically launch any future listings. For imported items, the Start listing when inventory is above option will take effect immediately.
- Listing Re-Pricing Rules section: Select Update product price based on listing 'Buy it Now' value.
Stop Listing Rules Section
- Close listing when inventory is below: Select this option if you would like your listings to automatically close when your inventory is below a certain number of pieces.
EXAMPLE: If you put a 1 in the text box, your listing will close when your inventory hits zero. If you put a 2 in the text box, your listing will close when your inventory hits 1.
List on the Following Events Section
List on the following auction events
This section corresponds to auction-style listings only.
- Do not relist on auction events: Solid Commerce will not automatically launch a new listing based on your auction ending. This is the most popular option.
- List additional items when a bid is received: Another auction will start automatically as soon as a bid is placed on the product, regardless of whether the auction ends in a sale.
- List additional items when the reserve is met: If a buyer places a bid that is higher than your reserve price, another auction will launch.
- Use eBay relist option when possible: Allows you to use eBay's automatic relist feature to receive insertion fee credits on certain auctions. Please consult eBay's documentation for the most up-to-date information on the savings and benefits of using their relist option.
List on the following inventory events
- Start listing when inventory is above: Select this option If you would like your products to automatically list when you have a certain number of pieces in stock. If you would like Solid Commerce to start listing your products as soon as you have any quantity in stock, enter a 0 in the box.
Please allow 30 minutes for this setting to take effect after adding more inventory to your items. When the next update cycle runs, your items will be automatically added to the listing queue if they meet your quantity criteria.
If you apply a rule with the Start listing when inventory is above option enabled while your item is offline, you will need to manually list it the first time. After that initial listing, all future listings will launch automatically. If you add this setting to an existing rule, your items will list automatically so long as they were previously online with the rule. The automation must also be turned on for items to list.
To list your items manually, select them in your eBay Market List and click the List products now button.
List on Events Restrictions
- Allow duplicate listings: Select this option if you would like to list multiple auctions for the same product simultaneously, or you want to list the same product as both a fixed-price and an auction-style listing.
- Do not list if product was not sold for: This option stops listing products that are not selling. In the drop-down menu, select whether the number you provided indicates the total number of times the product has listed without a sale, or the number of consecutive number of times the product has listed without a sale.
Listing Re-Pricing Rules Section
- Do not update product price: Should only be selected if you do not want Solid Commerce to send any pricing information to eBay. Once your product lists, you will need to control your price directly on eBay.
- Update product price based on listing 'Buy it Now' value: This is the most popular option. It will send automated pricing updates from the Buy It Now (fixed-price listings) or Start Bid (auction listings) fields in Solid Commerce.
Update listing selling price based on available qty and other sellers- ON EBAY: This advanced pricing function allows you to raise your price by a fixed dollar amount, or percentage, when your inventory drops below a certain level.
Related Articles
- Creating an eBay Listing Rule to Schedule Auctions
- Creating an eBay Listing Template
- How to Update/Create eBay SKUs
- Automatically Matching Prices to Amazon, eBay
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