This article describes some situations when you might want to consider updating your SKUs on eBay prior to connecting your eBay account to Solid Commerce. It also includes instructions for updating the SKUs on eBay.
Topics covered:
- Why You Would Want to Update Your SKUs on eBay
- Updating Your Custom Labels (SKUs) Using eBay's File Exchange
- Related Articles
Why You Would Want to Update Your SKUs on eBay
Solid Commerce uses the SKU from the sales channels to communicate with your listings.
We also manage orders at the item level. Managing orders down to this micro level provides you with robust functionality, like being able to partially ship orders. To identify the items in an order, we use the SKU that you assigned to that item on your sales channel.
There are three scenarios when you would want to update your SKUs on eBay to make managing your listings and orders easier:
If You Have Different SKUs Assigned to the Same Item on Multiple Sales Channels
If you have different SKUs for the same item on different sales channels, your listings will import into Solid Commerce with those unique SKUs. We will think that the listings are for different products and add all of the different SKUs to your Solid Commerce Warehouse.
This will make managing your inventory, prices, and orders difficult. Having the same SKU across all of your sales channels reduces confusion and makes managing your listings and orders easier.
If Multiple Listings Have the Same Custom Label
When we import your items from eBay, we use eBay's Custom Label as the SKU in Solid Commerce.
eBay allows you to use the same Custom Label value on multiple listings. This can create a challenge in our system because we associate all of the listings that share a Custom Label with one item.
If you have the same Custom Label assigned to multiple listings, you will need to update your Custom Labels on eBay before connecting Solid Commerce to your eBay account.
If Your Listings Don't Have Custom Labels Assigned to Them
If the Custom Label field on eBay is empty, we assign eBay's Listing ID as your SKU in Solid Commerce.
You don't have to add Custom Labels if you are fine with us using the Listing IDs as your SKUs in Solid Commerce. Listing IDs are long strings of randomly generated numbers which don't work well for identifying products. It is also best to use SKUs that match your listings on other sales channels.
Updating Your Custom Labels (SKUs) Using eBay's File Exchange
Most marketplaces don't allow you to update your SKUs on live listings. However, you can update your Custom Labels on eBay whenever you want, so that is why we recommend updating your SKUs on eBay over other sales channels.
Here's how you can update your eBay Custom Labels:
1) go to
2) Download files
3) In the Listings and records dropdown select "Active"
4) Under "Download format" select "Revise Price and Quantity" from the dropdown
5) Select "Save" at the bottom of the screen.
6) At this point ebay will generate a file for you and email to you.
7) Select the hyper link with the file from eBay in the email they send you.
8) Save the file on your pc
9) Now update the Custom Label column for each of your items and make sure each is unique.
10) Save the file to your desktop once you updated your customer labels
11) Then go back to your eBay account if still open in the tab or navigate to
12) Select "Upload Files" under "File Location" navigate to your file that you save on your pc.
13) Once you select your file hit "Upload". It can take up to 30 mins for eBay to update your SKUs. They will send you a confirmation email once the upload had been completed.
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