Getting Started Guide: System Overview and Basic Setup

This guide will help you understand some of the basics about how Solid Commerce works. It will also help you set up your account so you can begin adding products.


What we'll cover:

  1. How Solid Commerce Works
  2. Basic Account Set Up
  3. Installing the Solid Commerce Excel Add-In Tool


How Solid Commerce Works

By now, you have probably already reviewed this system overview. However, we are including the link again just in case.

Article: An Overview of the Solid Commerce Platform

Another fundamental concept is that Solid Commerce organizes information into three levels: Product, Inventory, and Marketplace. Understanding how these levels work makes the platform easier to use.

Article: Understanding How Solid Commerce Organizes Data - The Three Levels of Information: Product, Inventory, and Marketplace


Basic Account Set Up

Here are some of the basic steps that need to be performed to set up a Solid Commerce account.

OPTIONAL TASK: Change your user password or add a new user. (approx. 5 mins)

Article: Managing System Users and Passwords

TASK 1: Create a Warehouse. (approx. 5 mins)

Article: Creating a Warehouse

OPTIONAL TASK: Create a Vendor and Vendor Inventory List. (approx. 5 mins)

If your vendor drop ships orders to buyers for you and/or provides you with inventory feeds, we offer some powerful tools that make vendor management easier. If it sounds like you could use these tools, create a Vendor and Vendor Inventory List in your Solid Commerce account.

Article: Creating a Vendor and Vendor Inventory List

TASK 2: Create a Market List for each marketplace you sell on. You will also want to create one for your webstore (if you have one). (approx. 5 mins)

Article: Creating a Market List


Installing the Solid Commerce Excel Add-In Tool

You don't need to use Excel to take advantage of most of the functionality Solid Commerce has to offer. Many tasks can be executed through our user interface. We also have a web uploader that enables you to use other spreadsheet apps, like Google Docs.

Even so, the Solid Commerce Excel Tool has some powerful features you won't find elsewhere, like the ability to retrieve data directly into a spreadsheet. We also find it's the fastest tool for many tasks. We encourage you to give it a try.

OPTIONAL TASK: Install the Solid Commerce Excel Add-In Tool. (approx. 5 mins)

Article: Installing the Solid Commerce Excel Tool

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