We currently do not support listing variations directly through Solid Commerce. You may create your variation listings directly on Etsy and we will import your listings.
What we’ll cover:
Importing Variations
Before importing your child items on a variation, make sure every item has a SKU for each attribute combination available. All items with a missing child SKU will not import. For more information on creating your listings directly inside Etsy, see: https://www.etsy.com/help/article/3385 .
For variations that do not have SKU's we will still import orders for your Etsy variations. However, we cannot manage the inventory on these items.
Additionally, we only support the default variation types Etsy provides. These are selected when creating your variation items. Custom variation types will not import.
Managing Variations
Etsy requires variation listings to update together. Therefore, all items within a variation must either have automation on or off. You cannot turn automation off on a single child item. To de-list a child item, set the quantity to zero.
We can only update price and quantity in a variation set.
Clicking "update listing" on a variation is not supported.
Clicking "update listing" on a single item is supported.
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