Ship Now: Printing and Voiding Shipping Labels

This article will show you how to print and void Amazon Label Service shipping labels.

If you aren't familiar with the Ship Now order manager yet, we recommend reviewing Orders Manager: Getting Started (New User Interface) before printing labels.


What we'll cover:

  1. The Shipping Flyout Panel
  2. An Important Note for Firefox Users!
  3. How Weights and Dimensions Are Managed
  4. Selecting Your Shipping Settings
  5. Printing Labels
  6. Bulk Label Printing
  7. Partially Shipped Orders
  8. Voiding a Shipment
  9. Related Articles

The Shipping Flyout Panel

1) Search for the orders you want to ship.

By default, we display all orders with Pending Shipment status.

You can refine your search if you like. For example, if you only want to view Prime orders, click on ... in the Search bar. Select Show Only Amazon Prime Orders from the Advanced Filter combo box.

2) If you want to view the items in the orders, select the ITEMS tab.

3) Select at least one order or ordered item.

4) Click on the SHIP NOW button. The shipping flyout will appear.



5) If you are shipping your first order, an overlay window will also appear requesting that you download the Solid Commerce Shipping Client.

The Solid Commerce Shipping Client is a widget that allows us to access your computer's default printer. You cannot print labels without performing this one-time installation.

For more information about the shipping client, including relaunching instructions, please see Ship Now: The Solid Commerce Shipping Client.

6) If you only selected one order, you can click on ITEMS or CUSTOMER in the sidebar menu to review the ordered items or ship to information.

Any edits you make to CUSTOMER info is for shipping purposes. They aren't saved with the order. To make permanent changes, open the Order Details by clicking on the SC ORDER ID.

If more than one order is selected, the ITEMS and CUSTOMER views aren't available.


An Important Note for Firefox Users!

Firefox users - Firefox manages its settings differently than other browsers. As a result, we cannot automatically add our Microsoft certificate during the installation of the Solid Commerce Shipping Client.

We are currently working on an alternative way to add the certificate automatically. In the meantime, you will need to add it manually before you can print labels. Instructions for this easy one-time process are provided in: Ship Now (Web Solution): Printing Labels From Firefox (Adding the Shipping Client Certificate).

How Weights and Dimensions Are Managed

SolidShip Clients: When we import an order with an item we haven't saved yet, we import its product information on the fly. When available, we import the weight, dimensions, and image.

Solid Commerce Clients: We continue to access your Solid Commerce product information. The SolidShip Amazon Label Printing Tool is only a New user interface. It is still connected to your existing account.



We will automatically use the weight saved in our system unless you choose to manually enter a new weight in the shipping panel before hitting PRINT.

If there isn't a weight saved in our system, you will need to manually enter one.



If you ship using stock packaging from your carrier (USPS Priority Large Flat Rate Box, UPS 10kg Box, etc.), you don't need to enter dimensions for your shipment. We have the standard dimensions for all stock packaging.

If you use custom packaging, we will automatically use the dimensions saved in our system unless you choose to manually enter new dimensions in the shipping panel. If there aren't any dimensions saved in our system, you will need to manually some dimensions.

Selecting Your Shipping Settings

1) Select an order or an ordered item and click the SHIP NOW button.

2) Select a shipment method from the Ship with combo box.

  • TIP: You can type into any combo box to make finding options easier.



In order to use the Stamps options, you must have your Seller Central account linked to your account.

If you need to link your accounts, please see Amazon's Seller Central Help:


3) Select a Package Type from the combo box.

4) Edit or add the Total Weight if necessary.

5) Depending on the shipping method you chose, you may need to adjust or add the Package Dimensions.

6) If you want to add insurance, select Carrier Provided from the Insurance combo box.

7) To enable tracking on your shipment, select Deliver Confirmation (No Signature) from the Signature Type combo box. Selecting Signature Required or Adult Signature Required will also activate tracking.




8) Once you've selected all of your options, you should see an Estimated Ship Cost.


Printing Labels

All shipping labels are printed to your computer's default printer. If you experience any printing issues, please see Ship Now: Setting Up the Default Printer on Your Computer.

1) The first time you print a label, we recommend selecting just one order and clicking on TEST PRINT at the bottom of the page.



2) If you are ready to print live labels, click PRINT.



3) Once a live label is printed, we instantly add tracking to the selected ordered items and update them to Shipped status.

If all items in the order are marked as Shipped, the entire order is automatically updated to Shipped status.

4) Because Amazon generates the labels, they update the order to Shipped, post tracking, and notify the buyer through Seller Central.

5) To view the shipment and tracking information for shipped items, select the TRACKING INFO tab in the shipping panel.


Bulk Label Printing

1) Select at least two orders and click the SHIP NOW button.

2) You will see the multiple order confirmation at the top of the shipping options.

  • If you don't see the shipping options, check the Override shipping options box.



3) The Ship with Shipping Method, Packaging Type, Insurance, and Signature Type that you choose will be used for every selected order.

4) If all of the items you've selected have weights saved in the system, we will automatically use the saved weights for each label.

  • NOTE: If you manually enter a weight, it will apply to each selected order.
  • TIP: If you only want to select items that have weights saved in our system, switch to the ITEMS view and ensure the Product Weight column is visible. You will be able to see which orders you want to select for bulk processing.

5) If you are using stock packaging from your carrier (USPS Priority Large Flat Rate Box, UPS 10kg Box, etc.), the standard packaging dimensions will be used for all labels.

6) If you are using custom packaging, and all of the items you've selected have dimensions saved in the system, we'll automatically use the saved dimensions.

  • NOTE: If you manually enter dimensions, they will apply to every selected order.
  • TIP: When bulk printing, some people like to process multiple item orders individually. This makes bulk printing labels for the single item orders easier. To find your multiple item orders, click on the ... button in the search bar. Select Orders with Multiple Items from the Advanced Filter combo box.

7) When you've populated all of the shipping options, click PRINT to print all of your labels.

Partially Shipped Orders

Managing partially shipped orders or multiple shipments is no problem with SolidShip.

Let's assume you have an order for two items. You cannot ship both items in the same package. When you ship the first item, we will change the order status to Partially Shipped. We'll also add the tracking and shipment information to that first item.

When you ship the second item, we'll update the status of the order to Shipped and you will see two separate tracking records on the TRACKING INFO tab of the shipping panel.

Amazon also supports multiple packages. Each item on Amazon will have the correct tracking and shipment information saved to it.

Voiding a Shipment

1) Select an order and click on the SHIP NOW button.

2) Select the TRACKING INFO tab in the shipping panel.

3) Click on the Trash Can icon to the right of the tracking number.



4)  Read and Follow directions in popup:



5) Click Delete to delete the tracking and shipment information from the ordered item(s).

6) If you void the shipments from all items in the order, the order will automatically update to Pending Shipment status. It will be ready to ship again.

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