eBay's business policies allow sellers to create shipping, payment, and return profiles directly in their eBay seller manager accounts. Business policies make it easier to list new items and update existing listings.
eBay only makes business policies available to some sellers. Not everyone has access. If business policies are available to you, you will see an opt-in in the Sell section of My eBay.
For full information, please see eBay's Help: http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/business-policies.html.
If you don't want to use eBay's business policies, you can set payment, shipping, and return options in your Solid Commerce eBay Listing Templates. You can even control the options on an item-by-item basis through the eBay Listing Details pop-up in the user interface (click on the gear icon in your eBay Market List) or through Excel. Please see the Related Articles section for info on these options.
What we'll cover:
- Benefits of Using eBay's Shipping, Payment, and Return Business Policies
- How to Find Your eBay Business Policy ID Numbers in Your eBay Account
- How to Enter Your Business Policy ID Numbers in Solid Commerce
- Related Articles
Benefits of Using eBay's Shipping, Payment, and Return Business Policies
There are several benefits to creating eBay business policies and applying them when you list through Solid Commerce:
- You can create multiple policies to cover your needs.
- You can apply the policies to listings in bulk.
- When you revise a business policy, eBay will automatically update all the listings that have that policy applied.
- If you use eBay policies, you don't need to fill out the corresponding sections in your Solid Commerce eBay Listing Templates.
How to Find Your eBay Business Policy ID Numbers in Your eBay Account
To use business policies through Solid Commerce, you must first create them directly in your eBay seller account. For instructions, see eBay's Help: http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/business-policies.html.
eBay assigns an ID number to each policy. To find it, click on the title of one of your eBay business policies and look at the URL in your web browser window. The numbers following the = sign at the end of the URL address are the business policy ID number.
Copy the policy ID number so that you can paste it in Solid Commerce.
How to Enter Your eBay Business Policy ID Numbers in Solid Commerce
eBay business policies are incorporated into your eBay Listing Templates. If you have multiple business policies for shipping, for example, you will need to create multiple eBay Listing Templates in Solid Commerce—one for each eBay shipping policy.
1) Go to Marketplaces -> eBay Listing Templates.
2) Add each of your business policy ID numbers to the corresponding section on your eBay Listing Template:
- To add your shipping business policy: Expand the Basic Listing Information section and enter your shipping policy ID number next to Shipping Profile ID.
- To add your payment business policy: Expand the Payment Options section and enter your payment policy ID number next to Payment Profile ID.
- To add your return business policy: Expand the Return Policy section and enter your return policy ID number next to Return Profile ID.
3) Scroll up and click the Save Changes button.
You can also enter your business policy numbers on individual listings by locating the item in your eBay Market List and clicking the gear icon to launch the eBay Listing Details pop-up for that item.
Related Articles
- Creating an eBay Listing Template
- eBay Listing Template Settings: Basic Listing Information Section
- eBay Listing Template Settings: Shipping Sections (Domestic and International)
- eBay Listing Template Settings: Payments, Sales Tax, Returns, Buyer Restrictions, and Additional Features
- Listing a Product to eBay Using a Spreadsheet
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