Firefox manages its settings differently than other browsers. As a result, we cannot automatically add our Microsoft certificate during the installation of the Solid Commerce Shipping Client.
We are currently working on an alternative way to add the certificate automatically. In the meantime, you will need to manually add it before you can print labels out of Firefox. If you don't, you will continue to see the Shipping Client overlay window every time you attempt to ship, even though you've already installed the widget.
Adding the certificate is easy one-time process. Here's how you do it:
1) Make sure you've installed the Solid Commerce Shipping Client. Check that it is running.
You should be able to see it in the hidden icons fly out in your computer's tray.
2) Click on the Firefox Hamburger menu in the upper right-hand corner of your browser window -> Settings.
3) On the Options page, select Privacy & Security from the sidebar menu.
4) Scroll down to the Certificates section. Click on the View Certificates button.
5) In the Certificate Manager pop-up, select the Servers tab. Click on the Add Exception... button.
6) In the Location field of the Add Security Exception pop-up, keep https:// and add: localhost:8443.
7) Click the Get Certificate button.
Firefox doesn't recognize our certificate so they display an Unknown Identity warning even though our certificate and widget are safe.
8) If the Permanently store this exception box is checked, you can keep it checked. Click the Confirm Security Exception button.
If the Permanently store this exception box is grayed out and you cannot check it, just click the Confirm Security Exception button. The certificate will still have an expiration date that is many years into the future.
9) You can confirm that the certificate has been added by scrolling down the list of servers in the Certificate Manager pop-up. You should see Server: localhost:8443.
10) Click the OK button.
11) In SolidShip, refresh your Orders search by clicking on Dashboard in the main menu and clicking on Orders again.
12) Select an order. Click the SHIP NOW button. You shouldn't see the Solid Commerce Shipping Client installation overlay window.
You are ready to TEST PRINT or PRINT shipping labels.
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- Ship Now: Setting Up the Default Printer on Your Computer
- Ship Now: The Solid Commerce Shipping Client
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