To In order to reprint a shipping label, you first need to void the previous shipment information. Voiding the shipments changes the status of the order back to Paid so you can work with it again.
While there are other reasons to void shipments, reprinting labels is the most common.
What we'll cover:
- Voiding a Shipment and Shipping Label From the Edit Order Pop-Up
- Voiding a Shipment From the Manage Orders Page
- Related Articles
Voiding a Shipment and Shipping Label From the Edit Order Pop-Up
If you want to void the shipping label through your shipping carrier, void the shipment in the Edit Order pop-up. To do so:
1) Go to the Orders menu -> Orders Manager
2) Search for the order with the shipment you need to void.
3) Open the Edit Orders pop-up by clicking on the SC Order ID number.
4) Click on the Void Shipment button located to the left of the shipping details of any ordered item.
5) If you want to void the shipping label through the carrier you shipped with, check the Cancel through carrier as well box in the overlay.
- UPS, FedEx, and USPS (Endicia Label Server accounts only) are supported. For USPS labels generated through Endicia DAZzle or, you need to request a refund through DAZzle or
- You will only see this checkbox if there is a tracking number and shipping carrier saved with the shipment being voided.
6) Click Continue.
- If you checked the Cancel through carrier as well box, and we were able to void the shipping label with the carrier, you will receive a confirmation message.
- If you receive an error informing you that you need to void the label with the carrier, click the Void Shipment button again. This time do not check the Cancel through carrier as well box.
7) The shipment will be voided in Solid Commerce for that item.
- Any other items that shipped with it will be voided automatically.
- If multiple items were shipped in different packages, you can void any remaining shipments.
8) If all shipments are voided, the status of the order will update to Paid and the order will be ready to ship again.
Voiding a Shipment From the Manage Orders Page
You can void all of the shipments in an order from the Manage Orders page. You will be able to add a reason for voiding. However, you won't have the option to void the shipping labels through the carrier.
1) Go to the Orders menu -> Manage Orders.
2) Search for the order with the shipment you need to void.
3) Select the order. Click the Void Shipments button located directly below the search field.
4) Enter a reason for voiding the shipment. Click Apply.
- The reason will be saved as a note in the order history (accessed by clicking the clock icon on the Manage Orders page).
5) If you want to also void the label with the carrier, you will need to void it directly with UPS, FedEx, Endicia, or
6) All shipments will be voided and the status of the order will be updated to Paid. It will be ready to ship again.
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- Getting Started With Order Management - An Overview of the Manage Orders Page
- Order Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations on All Marketplaces
- Creating and Using Custom Order Statuses
- Automatically Emailing POs to Vendors
- Three Methods For Printing Shipping Labels Through SolidShip
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