Creating and Using Custom Order Statuses

This article will show how you can use custom Order Statuses to help you organize and track your orders.


What we'll cover in this article:

  1. What is a Custom Order Status?
  2. Creating a Custom Order Status
  3. Using a Custom Order Status
  4. Related Articles


What is a Custom Order Status?

If you want to track the stages an order goes through as you process it, a custom Order Status is the thing for you. It could actually be called a custom Order Sub-Status because you create it as a status inside one of the Solid Commerce's stock order statuses. That makes it easy to see how the custom status marks a stage within your larger process.

Here's one popular use for custom Order Statuses:

Let's say you ship at least some of your orders out of your own warehouse. You could create a "Picked" status as a sub-status of Solid Commerce's "Paid" status. When you start to process orders, you would search for all your new "Paid" orders, select them, and print a pick list. While the orders were still selected, you would change them to your custom "Picked" status. This process would allow you to easily see which orders were new, and which ones were already being processed. When you ship the orders, they will automatically update to "Shipped" status.

Here's another common use case:

Let's say you have a vendor that drop ships orders for you. You could create a "PO Sent to Vendor" status that is a sub-status of Solid Commerce's "Paid" status. That would help you track which orders you sent to your vendor already, and which orders need to be sent.

You can get creative and use custom Order Statuses for any kind of tracking or organizing you need to do — track what employee worked with an order, track backorders, and so on.


Creating a Custom Status

1) In the Orders menu -> Manage Order Status


2) Click on "New Custom Status"


3) Choose a Parent Status in the drop down.

4) Choose a Name for your Custom Status and choose a Status Color  so that your custom orders can get colorful.



5) Click the Create button


6) The new status's name and color will appear with the Parent Status to the far right: 

  • To edit the name or the color, click on the Pencil icon
  • To delete a status, click on the trash can icon




Using a Custom Order Status

Go to the Orders menu -> Orders Manager page.

From this page you can:

  • Use the Pending Shipment drop down to search for either:
    • All Parent Statuses and Substatuses:


    • The Parent status only , by selecting the "All Filters" icon and in the fly-out panel, checking the Exclude sub-statuses boxmceclip2.png


  • Apply the custom status to orders:
    • Check mark the order(s) you want to change.
    • Select the Change Order Status drop-down to find your custom status.



  • You will receive a popup asking you to confirm that you would like to change the status on the orders.  Click "Confirm"




Related Articles

  • Orders section
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  • Was easy to set up and perfect for what I needed. Thank you!

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