Updating Your Credit Card on File for Billing

The safest and most secure way to update the credit card that you use to pay for your Solid Commerce account is through our portal. This article shows you how.


What we'll cover:

  1. Updating Your Credit Card and Billing Information
  2. Related Articles


Updating Your Credit Card and Billing Information

If your credit card has expired and we weren't able to process your last invoice, you will be prompted to update your credit card when you attempt to log into your account. Updating your credit card on this page is the quickest way to bring your billing current.

You can also update your credit card inside the portal.

1) In the ADMIN menu -> Manage Seller Account.

2) Select the BILLING ADDRESS tab.


3) Enter the billing address on the left side.

4) In the lower left-hand corner of the page, click the small blue Edit Credit Card link.


5) In the credit card overlay window, enter your Card Number, Expiration, and Verification No. Click the APPLY AND CLOSE button.

  • Immediately after saving your credit card details, you will be able to view the credit card info. This is temporary. Your details won't be visible once you refresh the "BILLING ADDRESS" page. Other users and members of our staff (including accountants) won't be able to see them.


6) As an optional step, if you would like to note who manages the billing at your company, you can enter their Billing Contact Name, Phone, and Fax on the right side for future reference.

7) Click the Save Billing Address button.


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