Listing to Walmart Creating New Listings via the Excel tool

This article will show you how to list to Walmart from Solid Commerce.

The Walmart listing process is the same whether you are creating a brand new listing or adding yourself to a listing that already exists on In either case, you must provide all of the required listing information.

For listings that already exist on Walmart, there is a possibility that Walmart could update the listings with the data you provide.


What we'll cover:

  1. Building Your Excel Template for Listing New Products
  2. Downloading Templates From Walmart to Use When Creating Your Upload File
  3. Solid Commerce Product Fields Used When Listing to Walmart
  4. Required Walmart Fields
  5. Commonly Used Optional Walmart Fields
  6. Additional Solid Commerce Fields That Replace Walmart's Fields
  7. Adding Additional Attributes and Populating Them
  8. Creating Variation Listings
  9. Overriding Shipping Settings
  10. Updating Your Live Listings
  11. Uploading Your Template Into Solid Commerce
  12. Known Latency and Reliability Concerns With Walmart
  13. Downloadable Excel File to Use When Creating Your Template
  14. Related Articles


Building Your Excel Template for Creating New Listings

To list to Walmart through Solid Commerce, you will upload a spreadsheet to Solid Commerce. You can use the Excel template attached to the bottom of this article as a starting point. Depending on Walmart's requirements for your category, you may need to add a few attributes to the template as new columns.

Customizing your template is a one-time process. You can save your customized template for future use.


Downloading Templates From Walmart to Use When Creating Your Upload File

When populating your Solid Commerce template, you need to refer to the Walmart listing template for your category. Walmart's templates allow you to:

  • See if Walmart requires any attributes specific to your subcategory.
  • Determine if you want to provide any optional details (providing more attributes can increase sales).
  • Review the "Data Definitions" tab for descriptions and examples.
  • View valid value drop-downs for fields that have set requirements.
  • Find the correct name for your subcategory.


To download your Walmart Template:

1) Inside your Walmart Seller Center account, on the top right hand corner click on Add Items  > Add Items in bulk

2) Under Full Setup select the category and click Apply

4) Click the Download button.

5) Open your template in Excel so that you can refer to it.


Solid Commerce Product Fields Used When Listing to Walmart

The fields in this section are found on the "Products & Inventory" tab of the listing template attached to this article.

There are only two reasons that you would need to populate and upload the "Products & Inventory" tab:

  1. The items you are listing to Walmart are brand new and you haven't added them to Solid Commerce yet.
  2. You already added the items you want to list to a Solid Commerce Warehouse, but didn't populate some of the fields described in this section.

If those reasons don't apply to you, you can skip this section.

Wherever you see a value in these tables in the "Replaces Walmart Field" column, you don't need to include the Walmart column header in your upload file. Use the Solid Commerce field instead.


Solid Commerce Product Fields Required to List to Walmart

Walmart requires that you provide following data.

SC Field Name Replaces Walmart Field Field Description
product weight

Shipping Weight-Measure, Shipping Weight-Unit

The weight of your product. Enter ounces with no decimals.

We automatically push your Solid Commerce Product Weight into Walmart's Shipping Weight-Measure field and OZ into the Shipping Weight-Unit field.

image file

Main Image URL

The URL of your product's main image.

Your URL must end in the file name. The URL must be a final destination URL (no redirects). For additional image requirements, see Walmart's article, Product Content Policy.


Solid Commerce Product Fields That Are Optional When Listing to Walmart

The fields in this table are optional but popular.

Field Name Replaces Walmart Field Field Description
model number


The model number of your product.



The manufacturer's suggested retail price. Enter a number with up to two decimal places and no currency symbol.

This isn't the price the Walmart buyer will pay for your product.

alternate image file 1 (2, 3, 4, ...)

Additional Image URL (#2, #3, #4, ...)

The URL of your alternate product images.


Required Walmart Fields

If a field is required, Walmart makes the font color of the column header red in their listing template.

Walmart generally doesn't require too many attributes beyond the stock required fields. However, the requirements vary by category, so you will want to take a look at what is required for your specific category to see if you need to add any attributes to your Solid Commerce template.

The process for adding attributes is described in the Adding Additional Attributes and Populating Them section below.



To maximize your sales, we highly recommend reviewing Walmart's support article about search engine optimization, SEO Best Practices for Item Setup. It covers best practices for listing titles, descriptions, and attributes.


Wherever you see a value in this table in the "Replaces Walmart Field" column, you don't need to include the Walmart column header in your upload file. Use the Solid Commerce field instead.

SC Field Name Replaces Walmart Field Field Description


Leave this field blank. It will automatically populate when you upload the file using the Solid Commerce Excel Add-In Tool.

product custom sku


The SKU of your product.

warehouse id


The Warehouse ID of your product.

walmart:product id

Product ID

Walmart requires you to provide a product identifier to list to most categories.

If you entered a value in the Solid Commerce UPC, EAN, or ISBN field, you can leave this field blank. You will want to enter the correct identifier type in the walmart:product id type field so that we can submit the value from our Product Level field.

If you are supplying a GTIN, you need to enter the ID value in this field.


If you have been approved as UPC exempt by Walmart, enter CUSTOM in this field. If you haven't been authorized, entering "CUSTOM" will cause your listing to fail.

walmart:product id type

Product ID Type

Which of these identifiers are you providing?

Valid Values:


If you have been approved as UPC exempt by Walmart, enter GTIN in this field for products that don't have product identifiers.


Product Name

This field allows you to provide a listing title that is unique to Walmart. The maximum title length is 200 characters.

If you don't provide a walmart:title, we will submit your product name from Solid Commerce as the title.




walmart attr:Brand


The brand of your product.

walmart description


This field allows you to create a description that is unique to Walmart.

If you don't provide a walmart description, we will submit the description saved in our general description field, which you can find on the "Products & Inventory" tab of the attached template. The general description field can also be used for other marketplaces.

walmart:price exp


This field controls the price of your item on Walmart.

You have two options for populating it:

  1. Enter a number with up to two decimal places and no currency symbol.
  2. Enter formulas using the word cost, like cost*1.5 or cost+10. More complex formulas also work, like cost*1.2+5 or ((cost*1.2)+5).
market auto rule


The name of the Walmart Pricing Rule you want to use on your listing.

walmart:product tax code Product Tax Code

The tax code used for your product. To find your tax codes, refer to Walmart's Partner Knowledge Base, Current Sales Tax Codes for Walmart Marketplace.

walmart:qty exp


Enter lq in this field if you want to make your entire inventory available on Walmart. You can also enter formulas. See Using the Listing Quantity Expression to Control the Quantities on Your Listings for more.

We will automatically submit the correct quantity to Walmart.

list name


The name of your Walmart Market List in Solid Commerce.

po sources


The name of the Warehouse(s) Solid Commerce should use as the inventory source for your listings.



Enter Yes to turn the automation on. Automated items are automatically submitted to Walmart for listing.

If you enter No, your product will not list until you turn the automation on.



Enter 4. The number three prompts our system to format your data according to Walmart's v4 API, which is their latest version.


Commonly Used Optional Walmart Fields

We've included some popular optional fields in the Excel template attached to this article.

You can find more optional fields to add to your template in the Manage Excel Columns help in the Solid Commerce Excel Add-In Tool. We also cover some of the other optional fields in the Additional Solid Commerce Fields That Replace Walmart's Fields section below.

Wherever you see a value in this table in the "Replaces Walmart Field" column, you don't need to include the Walmart column header in your upload file. Use the Solid Commerce field instead.

Field Name Replaces Walmart Field Field Description
minimum advertised price

Minimum Advertised Price

According to the manufacturer's guideline, the lowest price you can legally display for the product.

walmart:fulfillment lag time

Fulfillment Lag Time

The number of days before you ship your product.

Walmart's default lag time is 0.

Valid Values:
0 or 1

walmart attr:Key Features

Key Features

Key features are displayed as bullet points on the item page and in search results. The key features make it easy for buyers to understand the benefits of your product.

Walmart highly recommends using at least three key features.

You can enter multiple key features in this field. Separate each feature with a semicolon.

walmart attr:Is Prop 65 Warning Required

Is Prop 65 Warning Required

Proposition 65 requires that merchants provide California consumers with warnings about products that contain high levels of harmful chemicals. For more info, you can view the Proposition 65 page on the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment website.

Does your product require a Prop 65 warning on the listing?

Valid Values:
Yes or No

walmart attr:Prop 65 Warning Text

Prop 65 Warning Text

If you entered Yes in the "walmart attr:Is Prop 65 Warning Required" field, you are required to enter the warning message in this field.


Additional Solid Commerce Fields That Replace Walmart's Fields

If you want to use any of the following fields, use the Solid Commerce name instead of the names from the Walmart listing templates.

Field Name Replaces Walmart Field Field Description
walmart:price per unit quantity

Has Price Per UnitPPU Quantity of Units

If the price of your product can be divided by the total number of units in your product, enter the number of units your product contains in this field.

EXAMPLE: You sell a pack of 100 paper plates. Your price per plate would be your total price divided by the 100 plates in the pack. You would enter 100 in this field.

For more info and a breakdown of what types of products qualify, see the "Has Price Per Unit" description on the "Data Definitions" tab of your Walmart listing template.

If you enter a value greater than zero in this field, we will automatically submit Yes to Walmart in their "Has Price Per Unit" field. You don't have to populate that additional field.

walmart:price per unit quantity measure

PPU Unit of Measure

The type of unit that should be used in the price per unit calculation.

EXAMPLE: If you sell a pack of 100 paper plates, the unit is Each. If you sell a gallon on orange juice, the unit is Fluid Ounce.

Valid Values:
Ounce, Fluid OunceYardSquare Foot, Cubic Foot, Foot, Inch, Pound, Each

walmart:offer start date

Site Start Date

The date that you want your item to be published on

walmart:offer end date

Site End Date

The date that you want your item to be removed from


Adding Additional Attributes and Populating Them

Here is how you add additional fields from Walmart's listing template to your Solid Commerce file.


While Walmart doesn't require attributes for most subcategories, adding attributes improves the performance of your listings. Walmart recommends searching for items in your category to see which attributes appear in the filters on the left. Those are the most relevant attributes to provide.


NOTE listings are in US Dollars. To make it easier to list, we set the currency to USD on all listings. Don't include any currency columns in your file.


Adding a Single Walmart Attribute to Your Solid Commerce Template

These instructions apply to attributes that only have an Attribute Name in row 5 of Walmart's listing template without a parent attribute name in row 4 (like "Animal Breed" in this screen capture).


1) In a new column in your Solid Commerce template, enter walmart attr: as the column header.


2) In your Walmart listing template, copy the Attribute Name from the formula bar for row 5.


3) In your Solid Commerce template, paste the Attribute Name in the formula bar directly after walmart attr: (no spaces).


If your attribute has an Add More button in row 3 above the Attribute Name, it accepts multiple sets of data.

In Walmart's template, if you click the Add More button, an additional column will be added to your file. For your Solid Commerce template, you don't need to create multiple columns. Instead, you enter multiple values into the one cell, separating each value with a semicolon.


Adding a Walmart Attribute to Your Solid Commerce Template That Has a Parent Attribute

These instructions apply to the attributes that have a primary Attribute Name in row 4 with multiple associated sub-attributes in row 5 (like "Minimum Animal Weight" in this screen capture).


1) In a new column in your Solid Commerce template, enter walmart attr: as the column header.

2) In your Walmart listing template, select the row 4 cell with the parent Attribute Name in it. In the formula bar of Excel, copy the part of the parent Attribute Name to the left of the parentheses.

  • Don't copy the space between the name and the parentheses.


3) In your Solid Commerce template, paste the parent Attribute Name in the formula bar directly after walmart attr: (no spaces). Enter a hyphen (-) directly after the parent Attribute Name (no spaces).


4) In your Walmart template, copy the Attribute Name of the sub-attribute from the formula bar for row 5.


5) In your Solid Commerce template, paste the Attribute Name in the formula bar directly after the hyphen (no spaces).


6) If your attribute has an Add More button in row 3 above the parent Attribute Name, it accepts multiple sets of data.


  • Add to the column header in your Solid Commerce template by typing a space and entering (#1) at the end of the attribute name.
  • Even if you don't want to enter additional values for this attribute, you must enter the space (#1) at the end of the header name.

7) In another new column, repeat steps 1 through 8 for any other sub-attributes.


8) If your attribute accepts multiple sets of data and you want to enter more than one set of data, select all of the columns for your attribute and copy them.

  • Click on the column heading of the first column (the gray area with the column letter location, directly above the column header).
  • Hold down the Shift key and click on the column heading of your last column.
  • Copy the columns.
  • Insert the copies as new columns.
  • Replace the (#1) with (#2) for the new column headers.
  • Repeat this copy and insert process if you want to enter a third set of data, this time replacing the (#2) with (#3).
  • Keep repeating the copy and insert process until you have all of the sets of columns that you need.


Populating Attributes

Populate your new attributes according to the directions in Walmart's template.

If your single attribute accepts multiple sets of values, enter each value separated by a semicolon.

EXAMPLE: For your walmart attr:Key Features, you can enter: bullet point 1;bullet point 2;bullet point 3;bullet point 4.


If your sub-attribute and associated parent attribute accept multiple sets of values, enter each value in the unique set of columns you created.

EXAMPLE: For your Fabric Content, you can enter:

  • Nylon in the field walmart attr:Fabric Content-Fabric Material Name (#1)
  • 70 in the field walmart attr:Fabric Content-Fabric Material Percentage (#1)
  • Polyester in the field walmart attr:Fabric Content-Fabric Material Name (#2)
  • 30 in the field walmart attr:Fabric Content-Fabric Material Percentage (#2)



Adding Attributes From Other Categories and Saving Your Template

If you list across multiple Walmart categories, you can add attributes from the listing templates for other categories into your Solid Commerce template. The same Solid Commerce template can be used for all of your listings.

Save your file. The next time you want to list to Walmart, you won't need to build a custom template again. You can use your saved file.


Creating Variation Listings

To learn how to list variations, please see Creating Variation Listings on Walmart.


Overriding Shipping Settings

By default, Walmart applies the global shipping settings that you created in Seller Center to your listings.

Walmart also provides you with the ability to ignore the global settings and apply unique shipping options to individual listings. There are two sections in Walmart's bulk listing Excel templates for overriding the global shipping settings:

  1. The "Shipping Overrides" fields.
  2. The "Shipping Program Overrides" fields.

Walmart provides detailed instructions for both override sections in their support article Create Shipping Overrides.

You can use all of the shipping override options when listing products through Solid Commerce. The "Shipping Program Overrides" section is used to override your two day shipping options. You can enter these fields in your Solid Commerce template as "walmart attr" columns and populate them exactly the way Walmart describes in their support article.

The "Shipping Overrides" section of the template also works the same through Solid Commerce as through Walmart, with one important addition: the walmart attr:Shipping Overrides-Shipping Override Action column.

You won't find the Shipping Override Action column in Walmart's templates. It is a field that they require when an outside system communicates with their system via their APIs. The Shipping Override Action column isn't a part of Walmart's listing process for merchants.


Solid Commerce Fields for Populating the "Shipping Overrides" Section

We've added the walmart attr:Shipping Overrides-Shipping Override Action column to the Solid Commerce template attached to this article. We also added the rest of the shipping override attributes to make it easy to populate them.


Field Name Field Description and Valid Values
walmart attr:Shipping Overrides-Shipping Override Action

This field informs Walmart that you want to override your global shipping settings. It isn't found in Walmart's listing templates, but it is required when outside systems submit listings and revisions.

Valid Values:
REPLACE_ALL (if you want to override your shipping settings) or DELETE_ALL (if you want to remove any previous overrides that you applied and return to the default global settings)

walmart attr:Shipping Overrides-Shipping Override - isShippingAllowed (#1)

Valid Values:
Yes or No

walmart attr:Shipping Overrides-Shipping Override - Ship Method MP (#1) Select a valid value from Walmart's listing template.
walmart attr:Shipping Overrides-Shipping Override - Ship Region (#1) Select a valid value from Walmart's listing template.
walmart attr:Shipping Overrides-Shipping Override-Ship Price (#1)

The flat fee that you want to charge to ship your specified shipping region.

Enter a number with up to two decimal places and no currency symbol. Enter 0.00 to offer free shipping.

To override additional global settings, copy the four columns ending in (#1), paste them, and replace the (#1) with (#2), (#3), (#4), and so on

You don't need to duplicate the walmart attr:Shipping Overrides-Shipping Override Action column. You only need to populate that field once for each item.


Updating Your Live Listings


Price and quantity updates are submitted automatically for items with the automation turned on. We also automatically relist out of stock items when inventory is added back to them so long as the automation is turned on.

You don't need to update the listing details in order for relisting or price and quantity updates to continue to work. You only need to update listing details if you want to revise other information on your listing, such as the title, description, or key features.


To update existing listings, you will need to supply all of the fields required to create a new listing, including the category name. The process is the same as the listing process described in this article, except that you don't need to resupply any optional attributes unless you want to update them.

You can start the process by using the Solid Commerce Excel Add-In Tool to retrieve your existing Walmart data. If you have an older upload file saved, use it for the retrieval. You can also use the template attached to this article. However, a few of the column headers have changed, so you might not get the maximum data back into Excel.

If you know which items you want to update, you can enter the SKUs into your file before retrieving. That will keep your process focused. For more info on retrieving into Excel, see Retrieving Information Using the Excel Add-In Tool.

Once you have your existing data as a starting point, you will need to populate any missing required fields and add the revised data.

After you have your file populated with your updated data:

1) Upload it into Solid Commerce.

2) Find the items you want to update inside the inventory manager in your Solid Commerce account.

3) Select the items that need to be revised and click the Update Listings button.


Uploading Your Template Into Solid Commerce

1) If you populated any data on the "Products & Inventory" tab, select it.

2) In the Solid Commerce Excel menu, click the Upload Data button.

  • For items that already exist in a Warehouse in your Solid Commerce account, check only the Upload Product option in the pop-up.
  • For items you are adding to Solid Commerce for the first time, check both the Upload Product and Upload Inventory options.

3) Click Confirm.

4) Select the "Walmart" tab.

5) Click the Upload Data button. Select the Upload Product and Upload Marketplace options and click Confirm.

  • The "walmart attr:" column headers are managed as Product Level data in Solid Commerce. That is why you select the Upload Product option when uploading the "Walmart" tab even though you are uploading data for the Walmart marketplace.



When Walmart moves your listing to Published status, we will show it as Online in Solid Commerce.

If items fail to list, you may find them in the "Unpublished" section of your Walmart Seller Center account. The "Unpublished" section might provide you with more insight into why the items didn't list.


Known Latency and Reliability Concerns With Walmart

Sellers and third party software providers commonly express latency and reliability concerns with Walmart.

Some of the known concerns are:

  • Listings taking many hours to process.
  • Inventory updates taking more than 8 hours to process.
  • Walmart returning SKU not found errors on inventory updates even though the SKU exists in Seller Center.
  • Reliability concerns with API communication.
  • The user interface in Walmart Seller Center taking a long time to load or timing out.

We mention these concerns for two reasons:

  1. To make you aware of the kind of delays or issues that you may experience with listing or updates.
  2. So that you can help us try to get these concerns addressed.
    • Walmart has requested that developers open cases documenting any concerns. We are aggressively opening cases.
    • When you experience issues, please let our support team know. They will document your issues so that our developers can open cases.


Downloadable Excel File to Use When Creating Your Template

The file below contains all of the required and recommended fields. It also includes three example listings.


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Excel template for listing items to Walmart through Solid Commerce:

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