Amazon Repricing: Using the By Item Param Options

When automatically repricing your Amazon items, the by item param option allows you to enter specific values in the No Other Seller's Price, Minimum Price Floor, and Maximum Price Ceiling fields.

This option gives you an alternative to the Fix $ or Percentage % options, which establish your min, max, or no other sellers prices by adding a margin to the value in the Amazon Sell Price Exp field.


**NOTE:  The Amazon Sell Price Exp field must also be populated.


In this article:

  1. Explanation of the By Item Param Option
  2. Entering By Item Param Values into Solid Commerce
  3. Related Articles


Explanation of the By Item Param Option

The by item param (by item parameter) option is great when you can't easily set a generic profit margin for a batch of items. Instead, you know the lowest price you can accept for the item, the highest price that the item should ever be offered for, and the exact price to sell it for if no competitor is offering the item.

EXAMPLE: Your item costs $70. If no one else is selling it, you'd like the price on Amazon to be exactly $124.99 (instead of adding a percentage or fixed dollar amount to the cost).



Entering By Item Param Values into Solid Commerce

The by item param option is set individually for each item. To set it:

In the user interface, enter numbers with up to two decimal points in the If no Sellers Price, Max Item Price, and/or Min Item Price fields. If you don't see these fields, click on the Columns Setup button.



In a spreadsheet, enter numbers with up to two decimal points in the amazon no sellers sale price exp, amazon maximum profit price exp, and/or amazon minimum profit price exp fields. If you use these Marketplace Level fields with your other Amazon fields, you can do a Marketplace only upload.



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