Creating Variation Listings on Bigcommerce Using a Spreadsheet

This article explains how to create variation-style listings on Bigcommerce using a spreadsheet.

NOTE: Some clients find it helpful to create a couple of variation-style listings directly in their Bigcommerce accounts before listing through Solid Commerce. Listing directly allows them to learn how to set up their options and get familiar with the process.

For assistance on creating a variation-style listing in Bigcommerce, please refer to their support documentation: Adding Product Options.

NOTE: Option Sets are not required for Big Commerce Version 3


What we'll cover:

  1. Creating Parent and Child Products in Solid Commerce
  2. Creating Options in Bigcommerce
  3. Creating Option Sets in Bigcommerce
  4. Populating Your Solid Commerce Spreadsheet With Variation Information
  5. Uploading Your Spreadsheet
  6. Displaying Different Images for the Options on Your Listing
  7. Downloadable Excel Examples of Bigcommerce Variation Listings
  8. Related Articles

Creating Parent and Child Products in Solid Commerce

Bigcommerce variations are similar to eBay variations in many ways. Just like with eBay, you need to create parent and child products in Solid Commerce, and assign variation attributes to them.

Our article Listing Variations on eBay will help you create your products.

Creating Options in Bigcommerce

Before you can list variation-style listings to Bigcommerce through Solid Commerce, you must create Options directly in your Bigcommerce account.

When creating your Options, the Display Name in the Option must match the name of your product attribute in Solid Commerce.

EXAMPLE: You are listing t-shirts with size variations. If your Solid Commerce product attribute is named Size, then the Display Name of your Bigcommerce Option must also be Size.


Some Display Types require you to enter Values or Colors/Patterns at the bottom of your Option. You must enter the same Values both in your Option and in your Solid Commerce product attribute.

EXAMPLE: You sell your t-shirt in sizes Small, Medium, and Large. You must enter Small, Medium, and Large as three separate options in the List of Values in your Bigcommerce Option. Either Small, Medium, or Large should also be entered as the Solid Commerce Size product attribute for each product.

For assistance creating Options, please see the Bigcommerce support article: Adding Product Options.

Creating Option Sets in Bigcommerce

Once you have saved your Options, you need to create your Option Sets.

For instructions on creating Option Sets, please see the Bigcommerce support article: Adding Product Options.

Populating Your Solid Commerce Spreadsheet With Variation Information

In addition to providing the Bigcommerce related data described in Creating New Listings on Bigcommerce Using a Spreadsheet, you need to populate three variation specific fields.

Variation Fields
Field Descriptions and Valid Values
product attribute:bigc option_set_id

NOTE: Option Sets are not required for Big Commerce Version 3

The ID number that Bigcommerce assigns Option Sets.

The Option Set ID can be found at the end of the URL on the Edit an Option Set page. To view the Edit an Option Set page, go into your Bigcommerce admin panel -> Products menu -> Product Options. Click on the Option Sets tab. Edit an Option Set by clicking on the Option Set Name or selecting Edit from the Action menu (gear icon).

You can find the Option Set ID at the end of the URL, after optionSetId=.


mystore parent sku
The Parent SKU ties the all of the variation items together into one listing. Assign the Parent SKU to every item in the variation.
mystore options template

You can create the mystore options template name by replacing the bracketed text ([]) in the following string: [Name of the Product Attribute being used as a variation option]|[Whether or not the option is required (Valid Values: true or false)]|[The way the option should be displayed (Valid Value: Dropdown)].

To Include multiple options, separate each string with a double colon (::).

You only are only required to enter the option template name for the parent item. However, populating the option template name for your child items too is fine.

EXAMPLE: You have a t-shirt that is available in three sizes and two colors and you want to include all of the options in one listing. If your Solid Commerce Product Attributes are: Size and Color. Your mystore options template will be: Size|true|Dropdown::Color|true|Dropdown.

If you want to list the t-shirts as size only variations, with each color listed separately, your mystore options template will simply be: Size|true|Dropdown.

Uploading Your Spreadsheet

We recommend including the Bigcommerce Product Attributes with your other Product level fields. That way you can populate them when you create your products. The attached template is set up this way.

To upload the Bigcommerce tab of the file using our Excel Add-In Tool, click the Upload Data button. Check only the Update Marketplace box.



To upload your file through our web uploader instead, go to the Products menu -> Import Products and Inventory. Check the Import Marketplace box and select MyStore from the Select marketplace drop-down.



If you include Bigcommerce Product Attributes (or any other Product Level fields) with your Bigcommerce data, you will need to check both Product and Marketplace during the upload.

NOTE: Our listing service runs on a cycle. It may take up to 10 minutes for us to submit your automated items to Bigcommerce.


Displaying Different Images for the Options on Your Listing

If you want the main image on the listing to change as visitors select different options, you need to add an option rule to your listing.

Our system cannot assign images to individual child items.

  • To get to the Rules page, select a product, click on the Options tab, and select the Rules menu.
  • See the Bigcommerce support article Adding Product Options for full details.

Downloadable Excel Examples of Bigcommerce Variation Listings

This file contains two example listings: a size only variation and a size and color variation. You can use it as a template to create your own listings.

This template has the same column headers as the one attached to the Creating New Listings on Bigcommerce Using a Spreadsheet article. The only difference is that they contain different sample products.

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Attachment from the Downloadable Excel Examples of Bigcommerce Variation Listings section:

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