Orders Manager: Getting Started

This article will show you how to search for orders and view order details. It also reviews some of the basic revisions and tasks you can perform.


What we'll cover:

  1. Searching for Orders
  2. Viewing Order Information
  3. View Items
  4. Viewing and Editing Order Details
  5. Changing Order Statuses
  6. Printing Pick Lists, Invoices, and Performing Other Actions
  7. Making Updates in the Order Details Page

Searching for Orders

1) To find your orders, go to the ORDERS menu -> Orders Manager

2) At the bottom of the Orders Manager page, you can click one of the large search shortcut buttons to search by order status.

  • Searching for Paid orders is the most common search people perform when they are ready to fulfill orders.



4) If you want to filter your search, the Search Bar offers a long list of fields to search.


  • A few of the more popular options are: Ship To Name, Sales Channel Order ID, SKU, SKU (Partial Match), and Order ID.


5) You can also search for any order status, including custom statuses, by using the "All" Order Status drop-down.


6) The All Filters button gives you a range of filters in a fly-out panel



  • You can search by: Sales Channel, Order Date, Market List, Inventory Source, Ship Country, and more.
  • You can also click the Clear All Filters button to remove all advanced search filters



Saved Searches

 If you have one or more filters that you want to use on a regular basis, you can save your filter in the "Saved Searches" 

1) Choose any Ship Method and any or multiple filters you wish to use.  For example, "Buyer email" and "Partially Shipped" were chosen along with an Attribute and a date range under the "All Filters" fly out:

2) Next, click on the "floppy disc" icon to the far right of the screen:

3) You will see a popup and be prompted to name your Saved Search:

4) Name your Saved Search and click "Create"

5) You should then see your Saved Search to the left of the floppy disc:

Viewing Order Information and Saving filtered Views

1) After performing a search, you can use the Columns Setup button to customize your view. Columns Setup is represented by a gear icon in the top right of your screen.


Note: There is a column Set Up for the Orders View and Items View.  If you do not see the field you are looking for in the view you select, please try the other view!


2) Click the arrow to the right of any column name in the AVAILABLE pane to add it to your grid.



3) Click the up or down arrows in the SELECTED pane to change the column's position in the grid. If you want to remove a column from your view, click on the Trash Can symbol


4) Click on the gray snowflake icon to freeze the column to the left side of the search so that it never scrolls off your page.


5) When you're finished, click SAVE


6) If you want to add a custom view, click on the + icon. Name your new view. Add columns and click SAVE

  • You can make any view your default.


7) Back in the search results, you can change the width of columns in the grid by hovering to the left of the column header. Click and drag the column border icon. 



8) To sort by any column, click on its column header. To reverse the sort order, click on the header again.



9) To sort by additional columns, hold down the Shift key and click on the column headers. The small numbers next to each header indicate their sort priority.


Viewing Items

By default, the search displays order details. Each order appears on its own row in the grid.

1) If you want to view the products that were ordered, select the ITEMS tab. 



2) Each item appears on its own row. Multiple item orders will appear on multiple rows in the grid.

Order information that is shared by each item in the order, such as the order number or Ship To name, repeats on each row—helping you tell which items belong to the same order.

3) The Items view offers unique fields. You can add and arrange columns by clicking on the gear icon.




Viewing and Editing Order Details


1) Click the ORDER ID or Pencil Icon to open the ORDER INFORMATION page.

  • It contains all the information about the order, including: status, order numbers, ship method, totals, ordered items, ship to information, tracking, and notes. 

2) The ORDER INFORMATION tab provides a detailed summary.

  • You can edit the Shipping Address by clicking on the pencil icon.

3) The PAYMENT tab displays the payment history.

4) If you selected a Shipped order, you can view the tracking number and shipment details on the TRACKING INFO tab.

5) You can add notes to the order by clicking on the + icon on the ADMIN NOTES tab.

6) The ORDER HISTORY tab allows you to see all status changes that have occurred, along with any notes that were added.

  • Click on ADDRESS in the sidebar menu to view any updates that were made to the shipping address.


Changing Order Statuses


To change the status of an order:

1) Select the order in the search results.

2) Select an order status from the CHANGE ORDER STATUS drop-down menu.



3) After selecting the new status a confirmation pop-up will appear. Click CONTINUE to confirm selection or CANCEL to cancel selection

Custom order statuses can help you keep your orders organized. For more info, see: Creating and Using Custom Order Statuses.


4) If you select Shipped from the CHANGE STATUS drop-down, the confirmation overlay window will allow you to enter tracking and shipment information.

  • If you haven't shipped all of the items in the order yet, uncheck any unshipped items. The order will move to Partially Shipped status after you SAVE your tracking.
  • If you have selected more than one order, you won't be able to enter tracking information.


To cancel an order:


1) Select the order in the search results.

2) Click on CHANGE ORDER STATUS, then select Cancelled from the drop-down menu

3) From the pop window:

  • Provide a reason about the cancellation.
  • Select whether or not you want the ordered items added back to stock in your Warehouse.

4) Click the CONTINUE button.


For a full explanation of the cancellation process, see Order Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations on All Marketplaces.


Printing Pick Lists, Invoices, and Performing Other Actions

1) Here is what the Action shortcut buttons to the left of each order do:

  • Clock icon — Opens the Order Status History window, which shows all status changes, who made the change, and any change of status notes.




On the subject of email, we have a CRM that is designed to automatically send emails when orders from a specific marketplace change status. For example, you can set up the CRM to send emails after orders are shipped.


2) The PRINT drop-down menu gives you the option to print pick lists, packing slips, invoices.

  • To use any of the options in the PRINT drop-down menu, select one or more of the orders in your search results.
  • Select the action you want to execute from the drop-down.  



Making Updates in the Order Information Page

Opening the ORDER INFORMATION page gives you a wide range of editing capabilities. Open this window by clicking the Pencil Icon. Here are a few options you will have:

  • You can change order status, ship to information, or add a note.
  • You can also add a product to an order (if it is allowed by that marketplace), or manually enter tracking information.



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