If you wish to receive notifications when quantity is running low on an item, you can set up a low inventory alert inside your Solid Commerce account.
What we'll cover:
What is a Threshold and Threshold Type
A Threshold is the inventory level you want to trigger a notification. This notification allows is what we call a Threshold Type alert. We use a Threshold Type of Warning if you're running low and Critical when it is time to re-order.
Setting Up Inventory Threshold Level Limits
You must check the Low Inventory Alerts box for at least one of the three levels described below to receive an alert.
You can manage your inventory level limits in three different ways. Either globally, per warehouse or per SKU.
To set up your threshold for any level, follow the steps below.
The quantity on your Warning alert must always be higher than your Critical alert. You can opt to only enter quantity on either the Warning or Critical alert. You cannot save an inventory amount lower than one.
Global Level
1) Go to PRODUCTS -> Inventory Manager.
2) Click on the gear icon next to Edit.
3) In the pop-up, check the box for Low Inventory Alerts. Then enter the inventory level to trigger a Warning and/or a Critical alert.
4) Click OK.
Warehouse Level
1) Go to PRODUCT -> Inventory Manager.
2) Click on your warehouse and click on EDIT.
3) At the bottom of Edit Warehouse Details, check the box for Low Inventory Alerts. Then enter the inventory level to trigger a Warning and/or a Critical alert.
If you use Global Level inventory alerts, check the box to Exclude this warehouse from global level inventory alerts.
4) Click on Update Changes.
SKU Level
1) Go to PRODUCT -> Product Manager.
2) Search for your SKU.
3) Click on the pencil icon.
4) Below the Marketing Insert, check the box for Low Inventory Alerts. Then enter the inventory level to trigger a Warning and/or a Critical alert.
If you use Global Level and/or Warehouse Level inventory alerts, check the box to Exclude this product from global and warehouse level inventory alerts.
I want to know if is possible to do this by Template like changing any other attribute
Thank you for the request. We released the inventory alerts in the UI as the initial phase of our low inventory alerts feature. I let our product team know about your request to add this into excel.
Thank you,
Where are we getting those alerts because I don't see them
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