Q: How do I import my custom Leadtimes to Ship on my Amazon listings?
The Leadtime to Ship field is not included in any Amazon report, so we cannot import it.
However, Amazon requires that we submit the Leadtime to Ship field when we update quantities and prices or you click the Update Listings button. If we leave this field empty in the files we submit, Amazon will automatically set your lead time to their default value of 1-2 days.
If you have established specific lead times on any of your Amazon listings, you will need to add those lead times to Solid Commerce immediately after you import your listings. Otherwise your custom lead times will be reset by Amazon to the default setting of 1-2 days as we update quantities and prices or your update your listing settings. For a template and instructions, please see Importing Your Amazon Listings and Amazon Data.
Q: How do I change the Leadtime to Ship on my Amazon listings?
A: You can add a column to your spreadsheet with the header: amazon leadtime to ship. Amazon uses a range for their leadtime, but you only need to enter a single number in your Solid Commerce spreadsheet.
The Amazon lead time to ship is part of Amazon's inventory update file, so we can submit it without you needing to provide additional information, meaning you don't need to fill out the Amazon Flat File.
If you update Solid Commerce to match Amazon, you don't need to take any further action. If some items in Solid Commerce have different leadtimes than Amazon, select your items and click the Update Listings button.
Q: How do I update the tax field on my Amazon listings?
A: Solid Commerce has a product level field for specifying whether a product is taxable or not. In user interface, the Product Details pop up window has a "Taxable Item" check box on the right-hand side.
In Excel, the column header is: "taxable." You can choose Yes or No for each item in your file.
Solid Commerce passes your Taxable setting to Amazon as "A_GEN_TAX" or "A_GEN_NOTAX." If you change the Taxable setting of an item in Solid Commerce, you will need to click the "Update Listings" button to push the change to Amazon. The change will not automatically be sent to Amazon.
Q: Do I have to use “cost” as the value in my sell price field when utilizing the automatic re-pricer?
A: No, you do not. Whatever value the seller decides to populate in the sell price field for Amazon (or “Amazon Sale Price Exp” if working in Excel), will be the starting point for the re-pricer.
- Your sell price value for SKU "SC-123”is $40.
- The pricing rule assigned to this SKU requires a minimum profit margin of $5.
- In this case, the price for SKU “SC-123” cannot be set lower than $45 regardless of how low the cheapest competitor sets their price.
Q: What is the value in populating the word “cost” as the sell price?
A: Solid Commerce will automatically draw the value populated in the “Cost” field and use that value as the starting point for the re-pricer.
By populating the actual word “Cost”, you allow the re-pricer to automatically adjust the starting point of your cost based a new shipment you have received, or, if you use multiple vendors to fulfill the same item.
Q: Will the Amazon Re-pricer automatically adjust when I change a pricing rule?
A: Yes, it will. The Amazon Re-pricer works on a cycle.
Frequency varies by the number of items in your market list:
- The more items you have, the longer it takes for the re-pricer to work through all items.
- New changes will be implemented once the next cycle hits.
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