3dcart Fields Supported by Solid Commerce

This article lists all of the 3dcart fields available to you through the Solid Commerce platform.


What we'll cover:

  1. Using 3dcart Fields
  2. Table of 3dcart Fields
  3. Additional Guidelines
  4. Related Articles


Using 3dcart Fields

You can populate 3dcart fields by entering information into their corresponding Solid Commerce Product Attributes. See the table below for the correct Product Attribute names.

For more information about Product Attributes, please see Creating and Using Custom Product Attributes.

When we submit new listings, we will automatically push the optional information. To update a listing that is already live, revise the value saved in your Solid Commerce Product Attribute. Then, select the listing in your My Store Market List, and click the Update Listings button.


Table of 3dcart Fields

When you create the Product Attributes in your Solid Commerce account, use the Solid Commerce Product Attribute Names from this table.

To use the attributes in a spreadsheet, add product attribute: in front of the attribute name. Do not include a space in between product attribute: and the attribute name.

EXAMPLE: To add your 3dcart category to your listing, in your Solid Commerce account, create a Product Attribute named: 3dc category. In your spreadsheet, use the column header: product attribute:3dc category.

3dcart Field Names Solid Commerce Product Attribute Names
category 3dc category
wholesale price 3dc wholesale price
productprice_name 3dc productprice_name
saleprice_name 3dc saleprice_name
unit price 3dc unit price
short name 3dc short name
show_out_stock 3dc show_out_stock
hide_product 3dc hide_product
freeshippingitem 3dc freeshippingitem
short description 3dc short description
hidewhenoutofstock 3dc hidewhenoutofstock
extra_field_1 3dc extra_field_1
extra_field_2 3dc extra_field_2
extra_field_3 3dc extra_field_3
extra_field_4 3dc extra_field_4
extra_field_5 3dc extra_field_5
extra_field_6 3dc extra_field_6
extra_field_7 3dc extra_field_7
extra_field_8 3dc extra_field_8
extra_field_9 3dc extra_field_9
extra_field_10 3dc extra_field_10
extra_field_11 3dc extra_field_11
extra_field_12 3dc extra_field_12
extra_field_13 3dc extra_field_13
price_1 3dc price_1
price_2 3dc price_2
price_3 3dc price_3
price_4 3dc price_4
price_5 3dc price_5
price_6 3dc price_6
price_7 3dc price_7
price_8 3dc price_8
price_9 3dc price_9
price_10 3dc price_10
hide_1 3dc hide_1
hide_2 3dc hide_2
hide_3 3dc hide_3
hide_4 3dc hide_4
hide_5 3dc hide_5
hide_6 3dc hide_6
hide_7 3dc hide_7
hide_8 3dc hide_8
hide_9 3dc hide_9
hide_10 3dc hide_10
instock_message 3dc instock_message
outofstock_message 3dc outofstock_message
backorder_message 3dc backorder_message
keywords 3dc keywords
metatags 3dc metatags
listing_displaytype 3dc listing_displaytype
realmedia 3dc realmedia
related 3dc related
displaytext 3dc displaytext
minorderpkg 3dc minorderpkg
self_ship 3dc self_ship
rma_maxperiod 3dc rma_maxperiod
filename 3dc filename
nonforsale 3dc nonforsale
nonsearchable 3dc nonsearchable
tax_code 3dc tax_code
distributor 3dc distributor
eproduct_instructions 3dc eproduct_instructions
eproduct_path 3dc eproduct_path
makeanoffer_enabled 3dc makeanoffer_enabled
makeanoffer_price 3dc makeanoffer_price
maximum_order 3dc maximum_order
minimum_order 3dc minimum_order
reward_disable 3dc reward_disable
reward_points 3dc reward_points
reward_redeem 3dc reward_redeem


Additional Guidelines

All yes or no attributes, like 3dc self_ship, or 3dc freeshippingitem, should be populated with a 1 (for yes) or 0 (for no).

3dc related is a free text field.

If you want more information about any of these fields, log into your 3dcart admin panel. The 3dcart Product Details page has a tool tip for each field. The tool tips can also help you learn what values to enter into a field.

If a 3dcart field that you want to use is missing from the table above, please add a comment to this article. We can look into adding the field for you.


Related Articles


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