This article will show you how to enable Solid Commerce's FTP service.
Our FTP service is an easy and reliable way to host your products' images or other files.
We charge an additional fee for this service. Please ask your sales rep for the latest prices.
To review our image requirements and image naming recommendations, please see Image Requirements, Hosting Options, and Naming Best Practices.
In this article:
Enabling Solid Commerce FTP Service
1) Go to the Admin menu -> Manage System Users.
2) Click on the Login ID email address, or pencil icon, of the user that will be accessing the FTP site.
3) In the Platform Access section, check the SC FTP Access box.
4) Click on the Save button to enable FTP access.
- Granting FTP access to one or more users enables FTP service.
- Your Solid Commerce account will begin being billed once FTP service is enabled.
5) Click on the FTP Instructions & Fees hyperlink for additional information. Here is what the instructions look like:
6) If you want other users to have FTP access, repeat steps 2-4.
Determining Image URLs
The URLs for your images and files will always begin with your directory URL. You can find your directory URL near the top of the FTP instructions pop-up.
Your directory URL will have a different code number at the end, but this line you will find it on in the instructions:
For our example URLs, let's assume you have a main image of ABC-123-1.jpg.
URLs for your image:
- If you save your image directly in your FTP account, add a forward slash (/) after your directory URL, then add your image's file name.
URLs for your image if it is saved in a folder:
- If you save your image in a folder, first add the name of your folder and subfolders to your directory URL, then add the image name. Separate folder and subfolder names with a forward slash (/).
- EXAMPLE (If you save your image in a folder named Products):
Using Your FTP Account
If you are already familiar with uploading files to an FTP site, you are ready to get started.
If you aren't familiar with uploading files to an FTP site, Using Your Solid Commerce FTP Account will show you how to upload files using FileZilla or Windows.
Related Articles
- Image Requirements, Hosting Options, and Naming Best Practices
- Using Your Solid Commerce FTP Account
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