Re-Connecting to Amazon Marketplace with new API's


We have been working hard to migrate to Amazon's new API's over the last several months.  Amazon will be deprecating the old API's by August 30th, so you will need to reconnect to each Amazon locale within Channels Manager in order to maintain your connection.

The process is very simple!

IMPORTANT: Please ensure you have Administrator login to Seller Central before proceeding and follow the steps below.


Re-Connecting to an Amazon Marketplace

1) Log in to your Channels Manager account and go to Marketplaces> Sales Channel Connections

2) You will see all of your currently connected Amazon locales:  


3) Click into each locale and note any settings (see screenshot below) you currently have for import products, automation etc:


4) Disconnect each Amazon locale (make sure to complete step 3 above for each Amazon locale)

    4.1) Click on "Connection"


  4.2) Click "Disconnect"

5) If you see the below page, click "Connect" for that Amazon locale


6) Login to Amazon Seller Central with your Administrators login


7) At the bottom of the page, check the "I direct Amazon to provide.." checkbox and click "Confirm".  


8) You will then see a page that says, "We are authorizing Solid Commerce to access your seller data"

9)  Select the correct Marketplace locale that you chose from step 3:


10) Now you are ready to populate the settings that you saved from Step 3:


11)  Save



12) If you have any questions, please reach out to your Growth Advisor or to our Support team!


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