Listing Quantity Expression field in User Interface and Bulk Changes

Our sellers have found many benefits to being able to manage and manipulate the quantities that we push to the marketplace by utilizing our Listing Quantity Expression.

You can change, view and apply the listing quantity expression directly in the User Interface or upload through our Excel Add-In. 


NOTE:  You will use the "Listing Qty" Column to see the quantity set and the "Listing Qty Formula" to see the formula being used.   The "Listing Qty Formula" is read only.

Options for the Listing Quantity are below: 

Show All Inventory

This is the default option.  With this option, you can choose to send the entire quantity in your warehouse back to the marketplace.  


  • You will see an "A" in front of your Listing Qty to indicate you are using the "All Inventory" option.


NOTE: Make sure to SAVE changes after each edit to apply the change:



Show Less Inventory

If you would like to create a cushion of inventory to either avoid overselling fast selling items or create a sense of urgency by showing less inventory than you actually have on hand, this is the option for you. 

Simply populate the quantity you want to hide/reserve from the marketplace:


  • You will see an "L" in front of your Listing Qty to indicate you are using "Less Inventory" option. 


NOTE: Make sure to SAVE changes after each edit to apply the change:



Show Fixed Inventory

This option ignores the quantity in your Warehouse. That means that even when you have less inventory than the fixed number you're using as your Quantity Expression, we will still push the fixed number. (Even if the quantity is ZERO)

This can be useful if you can readily get more inventory and want to keep your listing live even after you run out of stock. However, if you want to avoid oversells, try the Inline IF option explained below.


  • You will see an "F" in front of your Listing Qty to indicate you are using the "Fixed Inventory" option.


NOTE: Make sure to SAVE changes after each edit to apply the change:



IF Statement

With this popular option, you can show different quantities based on the conditions you choose.  "If my quantity is more than __  then show __ otherwise show my actual warehouse quantity."

We will automatically calculate the result in the User Interface- no manual calculating required!


  • You will see an "I" in front of your Listing Qty to indicate you are using the "IIF Statement" option.



NOTE: Make sure to SAVE changes after each edit to apply the change:



Changing the Listing Qty Expression in Bulk in the UI

You are able to change the Quantity Expression (Qty formula) in bulk through the User Interface

  • Select the  “QTY EXP bulk change” button. The button will become active when you select several skus. 


  • The pop-up window will display the number of items selected for the Qty Exp Bulk change rule.  

NOTE: Make sure to SAVE changes after each edit to apply the change



Changing the Listing Qty Expression in Excel

If you would like to update your quantity expression in bulk through our Excel Add-In, you will need to use the marketplace specific header example:   

eBay qty exp

Amazon qty exp



Examples of formulas you can use:

Expression Meaning
lq listing quantity: this will show all quantity in the warehouse
lq-1 listing quantity minus 1. This will show the quantity in the warehouse, with a buffer of quantity 1
IIF(lq>10,5,lq) If the quantity in the warehouse is greater than 10, list 5. If not, list the quantity in the warehouse


For more information:

Creating and Customizing Excel Template

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1 comment
  • This needs a spreadsheet with just a list of the expressions and their actions, with an example to use in excel next to each of them.

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