Managing Inventory When Canceled Order Originates from Sales Channel

We have now made an improvement to our Cancel Order Request options! Previously, when a cancellation request from the marketplace comes into Solid Commerce we automatically add the quantity of that order back to your warehouse. Now, through the “Sales Channel Connections” page you can predefine how you want to manage cancellation requests from the marketplace.

**Note: Solid Commerce only handles cancellations from the marketplace if the order hasn't shipped, therefore, it is assumed the inventory has not yet left the warehouse, which is why we automatically add inventory back.

Path: Marketplaces>Sales Channel Connections> click on the marketplace you want to update.

This predefined setting is currently available for the following marketplaces:

  • Amazon
  • eBay
  • Walmart

You can now select whether you want the inventory to be automatically added to your warehouse or not when a cancellation request comes in from the marketplace.

By default, “Inventory should be added back to my warehouse automatically” is set. If you would like to manually add your inventory back instead of Solid Commerce doing it for you, please select “I’ll add inventory back manually”.

Below is a screenshot of the setting options:


To add inventory back manually first confirm through the sales channel and accept the cancellation request. Then in about 15 minutes, Solid Commerce will download that request and we will change the status of that order to “Cancelled” automatically in the Orders Manager.

Solid Commerce will not update the quantity back to your warehouse. If you decide you want to add the quantity back, go to Inventory Manager> Warehouses> Locate which warehouse the SKU is in > search for the SKU then add the quantity back through the “QTY” column.

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