This article is a quick reference guide to uploading changes to your products using the Solid Commerce Excel Tool's Upload Data button.
What we'll cover in this article:
- Tips Before You Upload
- Uploading Data to Solid Commerce
- Applying an eBay Listing Template
- Related Articles
Tips Before You Upload
1) Often the best way to set up information for uploading is to start by Retrieving (or Exporting) a fresh copy of it from Solid Commerce, and making your changes on that. After all, getting the data may only take a few seconds, and it ensures you won't lose track of some small recent change that might affect what your changes now are going to do.
2) To Not Upload Rows:
To keep certain rows from uploading, put them below the other rows and Insert a blank row between them. The upload will stop when it reaches a blank row.
- And of course, don't have any blank rows before or in the middle of the rows you do want to upload.
3) To Not Upload Columns:
You can keep a column from uploading by clicking in its header cell and putting an underscore at the start of the header name (like _po sources below). With this trick you can keep all kinds of columns of notes, calculations, or anything else you want without worrying they'll upload into your account.
4) Required Columns:
Be sure you have the following columns (you might get them from Excel's Solid Commerce menu -> Column Manager), and fill them all in except results:
- To send Product data: results and product custom sku
- To send Inventory data (usually Qty or Cost): results and product custom sku and warehouse id and warehouse name
- To send Marketplace data: results and product custom sku and warehouse id and list name
(One exception: for any upload where your Warehouse IDs are always equal to your SKUs, you could leave out the Warehouse ID column.)
These are the minimums for any upload, and don't include the extra requirements for creating a new product, warehouse placement, or listing.
Uploading Data to Solid Commerce
1) Click the Excel Solid Commerce menu's Upload Data button, and enter your authentication in the popup.
- Leave the first pair of radio button with the default first button selected (unless you know you don't want to add new products).
- Check Update Product, Update Inventory, and/or Update Marketplace depending on which you're uploading. (Don't click the last checkbox.)
- Click the Confirm button.
2) Give Excel a moment or more, until it stops flashing and displays a small results window. (Don't do other work in Excel until that's done.)
3) If you uploaded any Marketplace changes, or any Product changes that should affect some listings, go to the affected Market Lists on the UI and Update those listings.
- You don't have to update if you only changed price, Listing Rule, Quantity Expression, or if you only created new listings.
Applying an eBay Listing Template
When you apply an eBay Listing Template to existing listings, the settings in the eBay Listing Template are applied to the listing, overwriting the eBay settings already saved to the listing.
When uploading a spreadsheet with the apply ebay template column, you need to also include all of the eBay fields you normally use when you create new listings. You can retrieve your current eBay settings into Excel to make resubmitting your eBay information easy.
For detailed instructions on applying eBay Listing Templates, please see, Revising an eBay Listing Template and Updating Live Listings.
Related Articles
- Retrieving With the Excel Tool - Quick Guide
- Creating Products Using a Spreadsheet
- Adding Products to a Warehouse Using a Spreadsheet
- Revising an eBay Listing Template and Updating Live Listings
very, very bare bones. needs much more clarity.
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