This article shows how to install the SolidShip Shipping Tool.
After installation, you are ready for Setting up the SolidShip Shipping Tool.
What we'll cover in this article:
Installing SolidShip
You can install SolidShip on as many computers as you like. However, we recommend installing it on the computer you will be shipping from the first time to make setting up the tool, and testing it, easier.
1) Login to your Solid Commerce Account (
2) On the Dashboard page -> On the right-hand side in the Downloads and Links section (directly below the video player) -> Click on the Click here to download SolidShip Shipping Tool link.
3) Follow your browser's download and installation process as usual.
4) An installation wizard will launch. You can click the default settings, or modify them if you want.
5) After the installation finishes, launch SolidShip.
- Login using your Solid Commerce credentials.
- Click the Launch Shipping Tool button.
- The first time you open the shipping tool, it will prompt you to update to the latest version. You want to perform the update.
- See the Update Errors section of this article (below) if the update gives you an error.
If you see this SolidShip Shipping Tool dashboard, you are ready for The Next Step section at the bottom of this article.
Auto Update Errors
Sometimes people receive an error when attempting to update SolidShip. This error is generally caused by Windows' security settings blocking access to the Solid Commerce folder.
Here's how to clear the security settings so you can perform the update:
1) If you have Windows 8, click on the File Explorer and select My Computer. If you have Windows 7 or earlier, Open the Start menu in your taskbar.
2) Open the C: Drive, and open the Program Files (x86) folder.
- If you do not have a Program Files (x86) folder, open the Program Files folder.
3) Right-click the SolidCommerce folder. Select Properties in the pop-up menu.
4) Click the Security tab at the top of the pop-up window.
5) Click the Edit button. This opens the Permissions pop-up.
- In the upper pane, select Users.
- In the lower pane's Full control row, check Allow.
- Click the Apply button.
- Click the OK button.
6) Re-open SolidShip and try to perform the update again.
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