This article will show you the best way to apply a Solid Commerce eBay Listing Template to products that are already listed.
Please keep in mind that there are a lot of specific fields you can update without needing to revise an eBay Listing Template, such as title, images, and shipping fees. You can find info about these types of revisions in Updating eBay Listings.
What we'll cover in this article:
- How Applying Templates Works
- Things to Consider Before Applying Templates
- Applying Templates
- Updating Live Listings
- Related Articles
How Applying Templates Works
When you apply an eBay Listing Template to an item, the eBay specific data you've entered into your spreadsheet merges with the settings in the template. This is a one-time process. In the user interface, you can see the combined settings applied to a product by opening its eBay Listing Details pop-up.
When you revise an eBay Listing Template, the revised settings are not automatically applied to your products. You need to re-apply the template to revise your items. When you re-apply the template, the data in the revised eBay Listing Template REPLACES the eBay data saved to your items. To prevent accidentally overwriting settings, you need to re-supply custom eBay data when you re-apply your revised template.
What kind of existing data can end up being REPLACED if you don't include it with your upload?
The price, eBay Title, eBay Category, eBay Store Category, shipping charges, return policy, listing design, and more.
To retain your existing data:
- Use spreadsheets for bulk updates. Include all of your product specific eBay details.
- We don't recommend using the Listing Template drop-down in the user interface. All of your existing product specific eBay data will be overwritten.
- If you have a small number of listings you want to update through the UI, follow the Updating eBay Listings.
Things to Consider Before Applying Templates
There are two things to consider before applying a Solid Commerce eBay Listing Template to imported listings:
1) Item Specifics
To provide Item Specifics to eBay, you setup some field mapping in the Pre-Fill Details of your eBay Listing Templates.
- For any Item Specifics you want to use, make sure the corresponding Solid Commerce fields or Product Attributes are properly populated, especially for imported listings.
- To learn more about mapping Item Specifics, see Adding eBay Item Specifics to Listings Using the Pre-Fill Settings.
2) HTML Listing Design (a.k.a: eBay Description, eBay "Details," or eBay Template)
If you are automatically populating information from Solid Commerce into your eBay listing design, you added some Solid Commerce HTML tags to your listing design HTML. The tagged listing design HTML is saved in the eBay Listing Details section of your Solid Commerce eBay Listing Templates.
- For any fields tagged in the listing design, make sure the corresponding Solid Commerce fields are properly populated, especially for imported listings.
- If you imported live listings, pay special attention to the Solid Commerce eBay Description field (HTML tag: <main:description />). The entire HTML for the listing design imported into this field, which could cause an issue when applying a Solid Commerce eBay Listing Template.
Applying Templates
Here's how to apply a Solid Commerce eBay Listing Template to existing products.
1) Make any necessary revisions to an existing eBay Listing Template.
2) Open the Excel template you use to list new products to eBay.
- Make sure all your eBay related columns are in the file, such as: eBay BIN and/or Start Bid, eBay Categories, eBay Store Categories, etc.
- You'll always need the apply ebay template column and the usual required Marketplace fields: results, product custom sku, warehouse id, list name, PO sources, and product name (optional, but handy as a reference).
3) If you want to know which eBay Listing Template was last applied to your products, add a column with the header: last apply template name.
- If you want to know when the template was last applied, add another column with the header: last apply template date.
4) If you have specific products that you want to apply a template to, paste their Warehouse IDs into your file. You'll also need their List Names.
- Otherwise, you can retrieve all of the listings from your eBay Market Lists.
5) In Excel's Solid Commerce menu, click the Retrieve Data button.
- If you need more information about retrieving information into Excel, see Retrieving With the Excel Tool - Quick Guide.
6) After the retrieval is finished:
- Put the correct eBay Listing Template names in the apply ebay template column.
- If you are reapplying the same templates as before, you can copy and paste your eBay Listing Template names from the last apply template name column.
- Set the run ebay column to Yes.
7) Upload your file checking only the Marketplace option.
8) Your template has been applied. However, your listings will not update on eBay automatically. You need to take the next step.
Updating Live Listings
It is always best practice to update only the listings you really want to revise.
1) Go to your Solid Commerce eBay Market List.
- Select the listings you just applied a template to.
Using a custom Product Attribute to tag the listings will make them easy to find. To learn how, see the article Deleting or Tagging Batches of Products Using Product Attributes.
2) Click the Update Listings button.
Related Articles
- Adding eBay Item Specifics to Listings Using the Pre-Fill Settings
- Updating eBay Listings
- Retrieving With the Excel Tool - Quick Guide
- Deleting or Tagging Batches of Products Using Product Attributes
would like to be able to find all products with a particular template name and update just them.
Hello Betsy,
If you would like to upload items for one template name, you may do this in excel.
1) Add the column header last apply template name to your spreadsheet.
2) Click on Retrieve Data and select your eBay market list.
3) Right-click on your last apply template name column header, select Sort -> Sort A to Z.
4) Remove items without your particular template name.
5) Copy your template name and paste it into apply ebay template.
6) Click on Upload Data and check Upload Marketplace.
If you wish to find items inside Solid Commerce with a particular template, add a product attribute:template name column header.
1) Copy and paste your template name into this new column.
2) Click on Upload Data and Upload Product.
3) Inside Solid Commerce, click on your eBay market list. Then click on More Search Options.
4) Next to Find in attribute, select template name from the drop-down menu. Type the template name in the textbox.
5) Click on Search.
6) Check the box next to Action and pick the option Select all products in SEARCH RESULTS.
7) Click on Update Listings.
Thank you,
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