Amazon Expired or Expiring Access Tokens

Amazon gives API access to outside systems for a periods of six months to a year. 


What to do if your Solid Commerce token is about to expire:

  1. You will need to be logged in to Amazon Seller Central with Admin Permissions for this process!
  2. Within Amazon Seller Center, click on the Cog Wheel on the upper right.
  3. Click on User Permissions.
  4. Under Third Party Developer and Apps - find Solid Commerce
  5. Click Extend Expiry.
  6. Validate that new orders start to import after 15 minutes.
  7. You're done!

What to do if your Solid Commerce token has expired:

You will need to re-connect following these steps

  1. Before you do anything, take a screenshot of your Amazon connection settings in Channels Manager! You will not be able to go back and review these settings once you remove the connection!
  2. Remove the current connection:
    • In Channels Manager, go to Marketplaces >> Sales Channel Connections
    • Click on the Trashcan Icon for the current Amazon Connection.
  3. After the connection is removed, proceed to next step.
  4. Click Connect More
  5. Click Amazon and then select the locale.
  6. Follow the Instructions on how to reconnect Amazon here:
  7. NOTE: please choose the import orders date and time that reflects the oldest Pending shipment in Amazon that you want to import.  This should only be a day or two in the past.


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